To sail in NZPTOA regattas you must be a current financial member of both the Association and a YNZ affiliated club. The fleet is divided into grades A,B, C and Unseeded for those who have not yet sailed at Nationals. Within the fleet there are also Age groups and a Womens division which means that there is competition at all levels and everyone has something to sail for which keeps it enjoyable.

The International Paper Tiger teams contest is hosted in alternate years by New Zealand and Australia, with a lay year every 3 years.

Racing Calendar              2024 - 2025 Season

PT Nationals results have been uploaded to website.

PT Nationals February 2025 - Picton

Wednesday 5th February to Saturday 8th February 2025

The Organising Authority is Queen Charlotte Yacht Club

NOR available below.

Sailing instructions will be available from 29 January 2025.

Entries via the QCYC website link here

Entries close midnight Friday 31st January 2025. There will be no late entries.

Motuoapa Regatta  22 and 23 February 2025.

NOR below.  $50, until 17 Feb then extra $20 late entry fee

Online entry here 

Always promises to be a great weekend of sailing and socialising. Extremely relaxed atmosphere right on the lakeside. Food available after sailing available at Club rooms. This regatta is suitable for those non competetive sailors who just want to come and have some fun sailing and meet others in the Class.

Accomodation at Motuoapa Motor Camp but filling up so don't delay.

For more details, check your emails.